Friday, May 23, 2014

The best and worst book I've ever read


                                                          ~The Fault In Our Stars~

The Fault In Our Stars is the best and the worst book I have ever read. 
This book starts off with an absolutely glowing love story! It is wonderful! The book takes you through this absolutely hilarious and beautiful love tradegy that is absolutely one of a kind. 
I enjoyed this book so much. I was able to laugh along with Agustus and Hazel I could feel their love as my fingers touched the pages. It wAs practically impossible to put it down. 
Then Agustus died.
I immediately started crying. It made me angry. How could a love story so perfect be so horrific. Then it hit me. It was never perfect. It was just love. The wonderous kind that gives you a incredible burning sensation in your heart. Agustus dying just proved their love. It showed that their "okay" really did mean always.
The only reason I hated this book was because it felt like loosing someone I had known for forever. I could feel Hazel's pain. 
I'm in love with this book and it will never have a sequal as amazing and I believe with every fiber of my being that only the amazing John Green could be capable of creating an epic love tragedy this great!

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